Community Membership

A community member of O Fojo Community is a person that fulfills completely the characteristics defined by the community board and, after a one year period of full community participation as a temporary member, proposes the board to become a member and have this proposal evaluated and accepted as a full member, by the board and the whole community members.
A temporary community member of O Fojo Community is a person that fulfills the characteristics defined by the community board and applies for a temporary membership program as part of the process of becoming a full member.
Is a person that agrees with our Vision and Mission for the next 5 years and are able to commit for the one year trial to become a full member.
Full description will be informed to the applicant, month by month, during the trial periods.
There are different processes of becoming a full member of the community, as following:

The main one is the one that you apply first, for one month trial as a temporary community member and this can only happen if you are willing to apply for the one year trial.
This one month first trial is a crucial experience for both the person and for the community and follows rules and characteristics that we can only inform you personally, in a minimum week volunteer period previously accorded by both the community and the applicant.
After that period, evaluated by both the person and the community board, you are allowed to apply for more two months, and after that for three more months, and then, for the last 6 months before being able to apply for full memberships, if the evaluation of both the person and the board leads to this direction.

The other way, you can apply and commit for a volunteer period of minimum six months and after a deep evaluation bot by the person and the community board we agree that there is a possibility of a full membership appliance from the volunteer. Than we can decide for a six month temporary membership agreement. After that period the temporary member can apply to full membership, if the evaluation of both the person and the board leads to this direction.

The third one, you are an experienced Permaculturist and are totally able to fully understand what is a community commitment and apply for a six month trial. After that period the temporary member can apply to full membership, if the evaluation of both the person and the board leads to this direction.

Full membership of the community is expressed in it’s name itself. It is full membership.
Full commitment, full participation, full presence, full mindfulness, full ownership feeling, full responsibility and full openness to the process, as it is. To the temporary members, all the information and responsibilities of a full membership will be totally clear before committing to be a full member.
It is a serious stuff. Are you able to assume this commitment?