You can help us donating the available resources you are able to share.

We have several projects we are involved in and your help is crucial for it’s development.

You can donate money trough this account:


Please send us the transfer paper with your data to

You can also donate:
Materials for the buildings we plan to build.
Your time, working at home in different things we need to be done.
Your data base, to improve our information and events outreach.
You time here at O Fojo, helping us with the garden, buildings, foresting, clearing land, etc.

Soon we will share a link to the Terra Livre crowdfund to acquire lands around O Fojo Mother Land to build the structures to the new Integral Education Center, Healing Center and Eco-Lodge.

If you connect with our vision and want to help, your hands, hearts and minds are really welcome!

Please talk to us!